that Transforms

How to change 
the world?

Dear Friend,
My mother used to tell me, "You can not change the world." Growing up in an upper-crust neighborhood, I believed her. However, after 20 years of corporate consulting, I went to help the Bridgeport Rescue Mission only to discover that the phrase she had adopted was a poor excuse to do nothing. Since 2003, I have witnessed that people can (and do) change from living in the most heinous conditions into remarkable spirits. I know programs, with minimal effort, can liberate people and radically change communities. The truth is, the world is constantly changing anyway and we can alter those patterns in the right direction. For those who work in the field of love thy neighbor we share a different phrase, "It does not have to be that way." We know that with the opportunity to learn, we can change the negative patterns of the world.
Richard C. Close Servant CEO Chrysalis Campaign, Inc. 

You can judge a person, company or people by their works:

Speaking UN Ed Conference on SDGs
Instructional Design
Life Skill Course for US Homeless

Services for a world of need

UN HQ Ed Conference SDGs


Richard has speaking experience  for over 20 years in venues ranging from the UN HQ to the Global Education Conference. Recently, his talks are on Christian Tranformation for social development and peace making.
Learning theory and development

Development & Research

Chrysalis Campaign is the the developer of the Global Learning Framework and the Transformational Learning Framework, along with various creative Instructional Design work.
UNESCO Africa Storytelling Community and Course

Program & Curriculum Design 

Chrysalis programs range from African Youth Digital Literacy under a UNESCO grant, US Homeless life skills programs, to K12 Online instructional design.

How Chrysalis Campaign achieves positive outcomes 

 Ethical Work

All work is based on the command to "Love one another." We only accept projects that will make the world a better place to raise children in. 

Deep thought

We pray, research, create, test and refine our work until a verifiable impact is achieved.


We are an NGO and will not get profit from our grants. The idea is to enrich the world.


Transformative work is different than spread sheet business. When transformation happens, lives change in so many qualitative ways. 
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